8/10/2010 Bedford Tuition Center Thursday.
I had a bad result in my English exam, which I used lots of bombastic word to works it.
I had a bad result in my Ekonomi exam, which I used to be good and proud of it.
I was voted as the most perasan, lan yeng, lan sok and zuo zuo people. The winner of these four awards.
I didn't be informed about the cancel lesson of science.
I didn't....
Feels like crying.
I wish to call my dad but I found that my phone had out of credit and just allowed me to text with few free-bies Digi-Digi.
I need someone, to reassure me, to cheer me up.
Sorry for those who I bother and disturb.
I..just want to be nice.
I wish to be nice to everyone and be treated good by everyone.
but explicit that I can't.
I just want to be tough, stop shedding tears.
I just want to stronger my shoulder, to protect who I love, and a place to her rely on.
I wish to...
5 年前
2 评论:
Jiayousss !
you are not alone actually...you got mnay friends who beside u..:)cheer up boy..:)